ArrowByCrossBow – Fight Violence against Women


– Fight Violence against Women

Women across the world are subjected to physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence regardless of their income, age or education. It can lead to long-term physical, mental and emotional health problems. As per the WHO estimate, about 1 in 3 (35%) women world have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or non-partner at some point in their life.

As per UN estimate, less than 40% of women who experience violence seek the help of any sort among those who do, most look to family and friends as opposed to the police and health services. The percentage of women, who seek help from the police, out of all women seeking help, is less than 10% in almost all the countries.

Client – ArrowByCrossBow

Team Arrow is embarking on a 3800 km first-ever through hike from Kanyakumari (Southern most tip of India) to Srinagar (Northern part of India) over 260 days by clocking 660 million steps. The team Arrow is led by Ms. Shrusti Bakshi.

The team is marching to fight violence against women, sensitize and educate to end the culture of abuse one village, city, town, metro at a time. you too can join the march and be a part of this huge digital world movement. By literally clocking every step you take, team Arrow unlocks funds to support the organization who are deeply engaged in empowering women in the country.

Not all of us can join a 260 days hike. If you wish to join team Arrow for a day when they are crossing your neighborhood drop them a line right away!

For further details, log on to

The Project Details

How often do we get a chance to be part of projects like these? Rare, Very Rare. Team Orotron is blessed to be part of the noble cause. We have worked on the project on war footing note to make it live. Thanks to each and every team member contribution. We feel proud to be part of this project.

We wish Team Arrow all the best. Team Orotron is ready to provide any kind of technological support.

Testimonials from Client

“Thank you so much Orotron team. Your team is too kind. You are the arrows who are helping us inch towards our goals. Orotron have given us such a beautiful platform right at the start of our journey.”